I guess what I am mostly asking is if the i7 quad of the 2012 is that much better outside the geek bench aspect and if it is worth it for me? I already own a monitor, magic mouse and apple keyboard. I work with 16mpx raw files from my fuji X camera. I would use the machine for general web-browsing, email, some iWork and then some photography, with lightroom and photoshop. The Iris is supposed to be a big step up from the ageing HD4000. But it comes with PCI SSD and faster graphics. The 2014 comes with a dual core that only scores around 6500 in geek bench. I would get a quad-core that scores around 11000 in geek bench and a bigger SSD, although it would be SATA 3. So, to get the 2012 with upgrades it would cost 100 more. Option 2 is to buy a 2014 with the following specs: This would set me back around 1000 Euros for the full kit.

Kingston HyperX Impact 16gb CL9 1600MHZ RAM Kit Option 1 is buy a 2012 2.3 i7 Mini and upgrade the RAM and install a SSD.